Unless you’ve been living under a rock (or alternatively, you just don’t use the platform that much), you will have noticed that the social sound platform, Soundcloud, have removed groups.

What Were Groups?

To put it simply, groups were a way of spamming distributing your uploaded tracks amongst likeminded musicians and listeners to garner more plays, likes, and followers.

It was a handy tool, one which was very popular amongst many readers of this blog. It allowed them to promote their music and increase their following.

And it made sense!

However, now that they are gone, every musician I know seems to be crying. Why?

Groups were the only way these musicians were promoting their music.

Ridiculous, I know. But guys, I have your backs!!

The One Alternative That Makes Sense

Everyone knows Instagram…

Or do I need to use that idiom I started this article off with? Honestly, if you don’t know what Instagram is, then I am concerned.

Just in case you have been living under a rock, Instagram is a photo and, more importantly, a video sharing social platform. And THAT makes it a great way to share your music, in video form.

Yeah, I said video.

If you’ve spoken to me in any capacity over the past year, you’ll know I’ve been raving about the importance of video in today’s world of marketing.

And you need to jump on the bandwagon too.

Every important social media platform has some form of new video product which they are pushing hard.

Side note: Instagram have recently introduced “Stories” if you didn’t know – it’s like Snapchat, but it has Instagram’s discovery functionality. It’s impressive.

And this brings me to my point…

Instagram has a discovery system similar to Soundcloud’s groups feature.


The way many users on Instagram get likes and grow their followers is by hashtagging, and you need to as well.

I have a little task for you that I want you to follow, right this second.

  1. Open your Instagram (or download the app) and make sure that your account is set to public (double check i